Tag Archives: Canada-based blogger

Things I Want to Do Before I Die

  • Fly in a private jet.
  • Get a henna tatto in India.
  • Being in two countries at once.
  • Cage dive with sharks.
  • Go on a hot air balloon ride.
  • Visit Googleplex.
  • Ride an elephant.
  • Travel somewhere new every year.
  • Create my fashion brand.
  • Keep my duties towards the Creator.
  • Learn, learn and learn till my last breath.
  • To be the designer of my own life.
  • Forgive and let it go, because life is precious and short to hold a grudge.

Slow is Beautiful

“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going to fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why” ~ Eddie Cantor

Hello beautiful people,

Life moves pretty fast, I can’t believe it will be March on Saturday. It is gone so far. At home or in school I feel I am busy, busy, busy and sometimes busy doing nothing. When night comes there is still so much to do, so much I want to do before finally falling into the bed. This kind of life scares me, and I feel if I slow down, it would be like jumping off a moving train.

This may not be a problem to you but for me it is a serious one as I am a firm believer that this is the cause of my anxiety and why I am a bit short-tempered sometimes.

I feel like my mind is overstuffed, it is constantly bombarded with new knowledge, people, ideas and numbers. And I do not have enough time to absorb all these things.

It is frustrating when you find your self incapable to live your life the way you want to. You need to swim against the current to create your own rhythm of life, and you can imagine how hard this mission could be.

Living in the hectic pace of today’s world kills my creativity and sweep me into the vortex of confusion and stress. I love my brain and it is precious to me, and I know this may sound odd to you but I really do. So, I do not want my fast-paced life to wreak havoc on my brain.

Note to self.. Turn a blind eye to the velocity of today’s 24-hour lifestyles, take a deep breath and slow down to enjoy your life. Slow is beautiful.

                                                                                                              With Love,

                                                                                                               Basima :P

A Loyal Friend

Reading a new book is …

A chance to live a thousand lives before I die.

Like hopping on a flying carpet and travel to distant worlds.

A quick fix for stress and pressure of everyday life.

Like diving into a new experience anytime I want.

With reading, I may not literally “be there” but I can experience it just the same.

I am always amazed when I hear someone says, “I do not like to read!!”

I have no patience at all for people like this. None. Call me loud-mouthed or pushy, but I am totally ready to give my two cents to anyone who does not read.

                                                                           Sweet Dreams Everyone :)

A Dream:)

“From now on we live in a world where man has walked on the moon. It is not a miracle, we just decided to go” ~ Jim Lovell

Dreams have an awesome power; they help you envision your bright future and see it through your heart’s eyes. They were born inside your soul to turn your life into a masterpiece of bliss and satisfaction.

I believe that dreams would never exist if you do not have the innate capability to achieve them. Most of the things in life that we dream about are actually attainable. Look up at the sky and see the moon so far away, it seems impossible and unachievable, but remember there are footprints on it because mankind made it possible and it all started with one single dream.

I have read once “nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible” so, try to think big and be big even if this seems impossible. You do not want to live a boring life, because if you do so, you will not have the chance to leave your unique mark in this world, and no one will remember you.

Write down your dreams to crystallize your goals and prioritize the decisive actions that you need to take for your dreams to come to fruition.

Patience is the key. A great dream usually takes a long period of time to mature and then blossom. Do not give up, never. Even when your dreams appear to be shattered, your enthusiasm at very low ebb and nothing seems to be happening. Remain hopeful to get through the mundane aspects of daily life. Take small steps and you will be surprised how one step can easily lead you to another. After all, Rome was not built in a day.

This moment right here, while you are reading this post, is all you have. You have yourself today, which is all you ever need. Do what you love and live your life on your own term, steer your life towards the right direction to achieve your dreams. No one ever will help you pursuing them unless you do.

Believe in the impossible today. It may not be impossible after all. You just need to wake up every morning with motivations and enthusiasm, and do not forget to get rid of small negative people who try to belittle your ambitious dreams.