Category Archives: What Life Has Taught Me?

Sweat It Out

Since I landed here in Canada, my lifestyle has changed dramatically (in a positive way of course) and I knew the time had come to expand my comfort zone once more. So, I started to do things, I have never done them before. One of these things is taking a good care of my health and fitness.

I have read once an inspiring quote that says “The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea” and based on my experience, I can say so as hitting the gym gets me relaxed and keeps me focus.

                                                       Stay Fit

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Time does fly. And it flies fast.  We are in day 258 in the year 2014 calendar. All what I can say at this moment is “I am lucky to be where I am today, I am privileged to have what I have” thank God.  However, I still need to work on some aspects of my life and more importantly to keep up with my New Year’s Resolutions.

107 days remain until the New Year 2015 and as time passes, I began to realize that the previous 258-day journey has taught me so many valuable lessons.

 It taught me to never trust anyone but myself and my own sense of what is right as this has been the best self-gudiance ever (in my humble opinion).

2660 To be patient as in life, there are many problems that cannot be solved overnight. Patience is a necessity.

 To stay faithful and not be prudent to take  a leap in the dark. To not lower my expectations even if people around me tell me otherwise.

 Change is always good, and from time to time, I need to tweak my lifestyles.

 The first secret to happiness is to fall in love with yourself.

 Good company is a key, because we become who we hang out with.

 I never know what I have until I lose it, and once I lose it I can never get it back

 I can start a revolution and most of the time I do not need the help from other people.

 To laugh at myself and let little things go.

 And finally to not underestimate myself.

                                                                           Have a lovely night everyone:)

Knapsacks of Brainfood

Unlike the passive activity of television, reading takes a mental effort which results in keeping the mind sharp and engaged.

I have read once that human beings have been recording their knowledge in a written form for more than 5000 years. This means all the things you are working on and all the problems you are struggling with are probably have been addressed in some books somewhere by someone who has more knowledge than you do. So, be smart and save yourself the trouble of learning from trials and errors and find yourself a book to benefit from the knowledge that have been written long time ago.

Life can get hectic and you may find yourself running from sunup to sundown trying to catch up with the busy lifestyle you have, so make reading much easier for you, have the book you want to read handy on your device and let the fun begin.

Audiobook is very useful and effective in our fast-paced world, save time and listen to it while you are commuting, doing the daily life chores, or anything else that does not require much focus.

Here are two of my favourite audiobook websites,



Happy Reading ;)