Tag Archives: saudi arabia

First Thought

Okay, I have to admit that writing my first post was really scary. Just thinking about it sent a wave of nervousness through my body. Then the inevitable “How the hell am I going to do it !!” thought raced through my mind. At the same time, I was pushing my self too hard to finish writing it as  I was thrilled to see how readers would interact with what I am going to write.

I personally believe that every woman is a story to tell, and I am here to share my story. With some help, I have come to realize that my perspective about life is eccentric if not whimsical.  But before we go further in this,  let me warn you that even thought I am coming from outward conservative culture, I am not the typical Saudi girl that you may think I am. I am not that girl who is sitting behind doors and not very much part of the public life. Because of that, I decided to start my own blog and share not just my story but also my reflections on a wide range of topics. It is also going to be pretty much a  lifestyle destination that delivers  inspiration to live in a stylish and creative life. However, My blog might be confusing to some of you and sometimes you may feel that it is like a puzzle needs to be solved, but keep in mind throughout my posts that we actually live in a very confusing world so, bear with me. And yes, I jump around with tangents and this is the way my brain works. If you want a less confusing story, come back to me in ten years from now when I sort it all out.

When I was a little girl, I was inspired by Majid and  Basim magazine and I desperately wanted to become a writer. More precisely, I wanted to be a novelist to write a long story where I can have my imaginary people and create my own plot line.

I  love writing, I write to not lose my inner voice, to sharpen my confidence while honoring vulnerability and nourishing glimmers of personal insight. I write not to escape life, but for life not to escape me.

 I am sure you will enjoy a really fun ride.

                                                                                      Welcome to my WORLD :)