Tag Archives: blogger based in canada

Quote #1


 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover

                                                                         H. Jackson Brown, Jr.      


De-stress Your Life

de stressing

One of my every day rituals is 30-mintue walk or jog. I am always cooped up inside all day, sitting in front of my computer working on my school assignments or blogging.

When I am stressed out, I consider walking in a park or other green space, which can actually help me stay sane, put my body into a state of mediation, clear my head and boost my endorphins (the natural stress fighter) otherwise, I get burnt out, cranky or depressed.

Walking scientifically proven to be one of the most sufficient ways to manage stress and cope with tension.

Next time, when you get stressed out, consider walking for better stress relief, and do not forget to take slow, deep, fulfilling breaths.

Wish you a healthy day ahead :)   

Nothing to Worry About


I just realized the fact that worry can eat up my life , it can consume me if I allow it to as today I spent too much time thinking about different things that have yet to happen. I allowed myself to worry about all sorts of of problems, I played each scenario over and over in my head like a continuos CD. It was an unproductive day at all and one of the tough situations life has put me in. So, I grabbed a pen and paper and started to write about all the gloomy nasty things floating up in my head.  I write and write and write till I managed to turn off the negative thought channel in my head.

An important lesson was learned today, I master that no matter how things are bad, there is always a light at the end of tunnel and all I need is more faith to find it, to use my inner compass to direct my way into the world and to trust what God has in store for me.

Despite all that I feel appreciative of going through this today, it helps me to better understand my self, and become more aware of who I am and how I react when life throws me a curveball.

Keep Calm 


Stay Positive