Tag Archives: Vancouver Island University

Happy New (School) Year

School is here, the change from the routines of summer to a new schedule is often identifies as the cause of stress, anxiety and worries. Whether you have been away from school for a short period of time or for several years, you may experience these feeling during the first few days o school. It is unavoidable and I am sure that all the students out there can relate to that.

Returning students sometimes face the unknown and the unfamiliar. They may wonder if they will finish this time, how long it will take to finish and what lies at the end of the journey.

Here are some tips to ease Back to School Anxiety.  Eat well, drink water, exercise, breath deeply and don’t forget to set a positive, optimistic tone to help you get through the ups and downs of the daily life of school.

Good Luck :)

Snail Mail


Yay !!! I just received a snail mail from my talented photographer.

I love snail mail, I love anything that can arrive with a postage stamp. There’s something universally appealing about hand-written letters, It carries ‘more than words’, it carries the sender’s breath, perfume and hands on the letter. Not like the cold and empty E-mails.


It’s about YOU

“Be yourself; everyone is already taken” ~ Oscar Wilde

Our experiences in life clearly shape us into the people we are today, however; this does not mean that we necessarily know who we are and what we want from life.
Since we were little, we have developed beliefs and values, some good and some not so good, as a result of our society and the pressure from family and friends to comply. We were not given the opportunity to choose what to believe in or even to build our personality without other people’s interference. We were forced to fit into the society’s mould, and you can imagine what would happen if we did not.

My story to understand myself begins in childhood and continues into the present. I was not the perfect kid, but I knew that I had what it takes to be one. I found myself immersed in reading and not really part of the family life. Fortunately, this has helped me become a self-aware and instinctively began to see aspects of my personality and behavior that I didn’t notice before.

I realized that I have to learn from my past not to run from it, to let go of the things that bring me down not to embrace them, and to release my regrets and failures not to hold them.

Just like snowflakes, we are different in our own unique beautiful way. Modelling yourself after someone is a real disaster unless that will motivate you to do better. Being your self is what makes you special and no one on this earth is going to be like you.

Do not waste your invaluable time being afraid of who you are because at the end of the day all it matters is what your heart says not other vapid opinions of jealous little people.

You do not have to do anything to please other people by being what you think they want you to be. More importantly, you do not have to do anything to feel that you are worthy.

Turn your back to friends and family member who bend your ear about nonsense, make you feel terribly about your self, and contribute nothing to your life.

Finally, it’s okay to not be okay,life is not meant to be a joyful ride. It meant to be lived with a sense of contentment. You just need to feel fine and secure with what you have, what you are, and where you are going  at this moment.

P.S. Go ahead. Be curious, eccentric, and wild because NORMAL is boring.